littlegrid - helping developers test their Coherence code¶

littlegrid is a small and simple open source framework for Oracle Coherence that lets you run multiple Coherence cluster members in a single JVM.
Testing in-process (using single JVM) is a highly effective way of developing your Coherence related code because the cluster is quick to start and you can debug locally.
Development on littlegrid has been quiet over the last few years, but it’s getting a refresh and reboot to help Developer now adopting Coherence CE.
With just a few lines of littlegrid code you can quickly try out ideas in your IDE or easily automate your Coherence tests with your favourite test framework (e.g. JUnit) for running on your Continuous Integration (CI) build servers.
Coherence + littlegrid = develop faster :-)
Quick code snippet of two cache servers (storage-enabled servers) and then joining the cluster as a storage-disabled client.
ClusterMemberGroup memberGroup = ClusterMemberGroupUtils.newBuilder()
.buildAndConfigureForStorageDisabledClient(); // this bit is littlegrid
NamedCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache("test");
- List of examples
- Documentation updates
- Introduction
- Features
- Who is using littlegrid
- Credits
- Getting littlegrid
- Getting started with littlegrid
- Using Extend proxy
- Making tests faster
- Fast-start join timeout
- No coding needed (launch cluster for C++, .Net and easy playing)
- .Net/C++ Extend client tutorial
- Failover testing
- Multiple autonomous clusters
- Maven best practice
- Continuous Integration (CI)
- Controlling and configuring littlegrid
- Controlling system property names used by littlegrid
- Reusable cluster member group
- Parallel tests
- Sample exception report
- littlegrid JavaDoc
- littlegrid test coverage report
- Support
- License
- Release notes
- Management REPL application